Thursday, February 19, 2009

A New Beginning!~!~!

Hey guys it's been a while since i blogged yeh? Don't ya think? Sorry for the long wait. I doubt anyone will visit here anymore, but anyways...just to keep least....I'll just make a post =) But if anyone happens to drop by. Please say hi at the C-BOX hahaha wth. Alrighty, anyway I already started college at Jan, to those who didn't know, I'm at Sunway College right now, taking AUSMAT as my course.

College is fun afterall, new friends, new environment, new time table. It's stressful at times with assignments, but...I really enjoy college. You know, usual stuffs like having new friends around to...err...entertain me perhaps? It's a nice experience, to all NS-goers. Pls kindly drop by and say hi if you will THANK YOU! =)

Oh well this is the end of mah post. Well, catch you guys again soon.

Tuning Into> Living Dead Beat - Children of Bodom

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